Friday, October 2, 2009

Pilgrim's Progress

I am lucky enough to live in Bunyan St and so have my own pilgrim's progress but whereas Bunyan's Christian seems to have a fore-ordained end, my journey is more tortuous it winds back on itself, repeats itself and never seems to get anywhere. It is the labyrinthine journey of the inner life.


  1. Greetings, Diana, from Geneseo in upstate New York, on a Fall morning as I look out on a yellow-leafed maple tree that will soon be bare.
    And congratulations to you and Rachel on the creation of your wonderful website. Thank you for thinking of sharing with friends and others this visual story of your life and work. Now I have you in both print and electronic form. I can picture you and your lovely garden, springing into bloom, and hope that I will see you in person at some point in my trip to New Zealand next month...
    Love, Diony

  2. Hello Diana, and many thanks to Rachel who has shown me how to get around the 'select a profile' problem. I have been reading your blog and poems of the day or week and feel as though I have been enjoying the sunshine of your garden. It certainly is a different way of keeping in touch but I can get used to it. And it is so economical, to here from you, from your friends AND read your poems all in one go.
    It's painful, your memories of Paul, though I'm glad you shared them.
    With love, Jacquie
